Pilates for bone health

November 14, 2023

Pilates for bone health, osteopenia and osteoporosis:

We all know the numerous benefits to Pilates, but did you know that Pilates is also a safe and effective form of exercise for overall bone health and for anyone with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis? 
Weight-bearing and resistance exercises are best for your bones, forcing you to work against gravity. Pilates is beneficial for helping to maintain bone strength, improve muscle strength and overall balance. 

Resistance Training and Bone Health:

Done properly, Pilates is a safe and effective form of exercise for overall bone health! Pilates helps with increasing bone density by incorporating weight bearing and resistance exercises. Weight bearing exercises force you to work against gravity and helps to prevent further bone loss and rebuild bones.

Increase strength and muscle mass:

Pilates helps to increase your strength and muscle mass which in turn helps to support your bones.

Pilates = Balance!

Pilates works on improving your balance, which can help prevent falls that might result in a bone fracture.

Be sure to talk to your health care provider regarding your bone health and adding any new exercise program. Also, inform your Pilates instructor about any bone health concerns you may have. Your instructor can guide you towards the exercises that are best and safest for any bone health issues.


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